sell, sell, sell
Unlimited Product Management
When it comes to design, we want your team or agency to have full freedom of creativity.
Whether you choose to begin with one of our Shopit templates, or go for a bespoke creation, our API endpoints connect your design with the core platform.
Rich Product Management
Add Products
Add as many products as you want – singles, variations and child variants, and create kits or groups of products
Add Product Detail
Easily add rich content and unlimited images, manage your EANs and MPNs, and sell across different categories
Sell on Many Sites
Shopit’s multi site feature means you can easily choose to create a kids shoes or a skater shoes website and allocate products accordingly
Want to grow global?
Shopit’s multi site feature means you can translate your content and sell those skater shoes to that hip Berlin market
Take orders
Create & Manage Multiple Stores
Create and manage multiple stores from one dashboard. Make sales globally by offering multi-language versions of your products and websites
Be Unlimited
With all of your multiple sites and marketplaces, you’re going to need a huge range of products to sell to the world.
With Shopit there are no limits to the number of products you can upload, no limit to images or information, and no limit to the categories and sub-categories you need to create a great site navigation for your users.

Grow your team without incurring charges
We believe that you should be able to grow your company, your staff and the various partners you might use without needing to upgrade.
The idea that additional users should incur additional charges is bizarre. We know that means companies simply create generic users for multiple people – actually risking audit trail issues.
We want you to have a SuperAdmin, a Warehouse Manager, a Picker 1 and Picker 2, different Sales Channel managers for each website…that’s the way a business is run successfully.
Grow your range without limits
We believe that you should be able to sell as many products you want – without needing to upgrade.
Our Pay as you Grow model means that you can add 50, 500 or 5000 products to your database paying tenths of pennies as you do, and being able to satisfy consumer demand for anything. With multiple sales channels you can also sell precisely the same products using different pricing or description strategies without increasing your database at all.
The choice is yours – we will never limit you.
Grow your brands and sites without hassle
There is no other eCommerce platform that makes selling across multiple websites from one central admin as easy and straightforward as Shopit.
Our competitors would expect you to set up additional accounts, paying additional fees and still limiting you on features until you upgrade.
Shopit makes creating multiple sites – perhaps for different languages, for different brands or even a B2B wholesale site – so easy that you’ll wonder why you haven’t done it already.
Sell more, pay less.

A snapshot of some key questions – you can also submit your own
How can I migrate from EKM?
As part of our free onboarding service, we will import your products and categories for you so you have real product data to play with. After that you can design the site yourself or utilise our great value Design Services
How does the free trial work?
Every customer that signs up for their 30 day free trial can test and play with every feature that Shopit develops. Once live, those features continue to be available to everyone on a Pay as you Grow basis.
How often do you release new features?
Our team are constantly building new features to add to the Shopit platform - shipping integrations, marketplace integrations, new design templates and more. Sometimes it's 2 per month, sometimes it's 10.
Can I cancel at any time?
Yes. If you decide you want to cancel your account you can do easily by contacting the team by email, and we will immediately cancel your account with no questions asked.
We're a B2B business - can you help us?
Shopit includes a number of B2B features available to all including: estimates/proformas, 30 day account payments, approved customers, volume discounting and more.
What if I get stuck?
Every new client has the opportunity of a free onboarding walkthough of each feature. We also offer standard and extended support contracts for those who demand more.